Membership Agreement Signed

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Membership Agreement

Threshold Choir Vision: A world where all at life’s thresholds may be honored with compassion through song.

Threshold Choir Mission Statement: Singing for those at the thresholds of life.

Threshold Choir Membership

The Threshold Choir is a volunteer network of a cappella singers who gently sing for and with those at the thresholds of life in communities around the world. Members of the organization are eligible for the following:

  • Bedside Singer training
  • Connection to a vibrant community of singers
  • Permission to represent Threshold Choir
  • Liability insurance coverage for Bedside Singers
  • Participation in Threshold Choir community events
  • Attendance at Threshold Choir national and regional gatherings
  • Access to the Threshold Choir website including:
    • Threshold Choir repertoire & sound files
    • Education via Zoom for directors and singers
    • Monthly newsletter

Members of the Threshold Choir present a kind and compassionate presence to those for whom we sing as well as toward one another. We commit to practicing compassionate communication, to listening for what is true in every communication and to speaking with clarity and kindness.

When invited to the bedside, we offer only our gift of song. In this capacity, we do not initiate touch, but honor and comply with protocols in the medical environment, which restricts touching to those who are licensed to do so. We refrain from assisting patients and seek assistance of a facility provider or personal caregiver when needs such as repositioning, eating or drinking arise.

Membership Agreement

  1. I agree to maintain member status in the Threshold Choir organization, adherence to organizational policies and participation/affiliation with a local chapter.
  2. I agree to not initiate touch or assist patients with caregiver responsibilities at the bedside.
  3. I agree to honor regulations regarding privacy of patients, as detailed in HIPAA (click here to review the document).
  4. I agree to honor and respect the diversity of members, patients, caregivers and healthcare providers to help ALL feel welcome, seen and heard in their reality.
  5. I agree to respect the use of the Threshold Choir repertoire and specifications of individual songwriters for use of their music. The repertoire is only to be used in alignment with the Threshold Choir mission.
  6. I agree to honor all policies set forth by the Threshold Choir organization. These policies may be updated and expanded from time to time.
  7. I agree to demonstrate a respectful demeanor when representing Threshold Choir and to communicate with kindness and compassion toward all members of our Threshold Choir community and the people we serve.

Updated: January, 2023

  • If you DO NOT agree to fully abide by this policy when singing at bedsides, please click here. Thank you!
  • If you agree to fully abide by this policy when singing at bedsides, please indicate your agreement by entering your name in the box below and clicking “Submit Form”. Thank you!
  • Membership fees are non-refundable.