New Chapter Application

Sing LogoIf you’re excited about the Threshold Choir and there isn’t a chapter in your area, do you think you might want to start one? We can help you explore that possibility. Tell us a bit about yourself by sending in the form below, and our new-chapter coaching team will contact you, send you more information, and answer your questions.

Because each emerging chapter follows a unique path, with its own challenges and needs, our coaching process ensures that there’s always someone to consult with along the way, from initial exploration to fully chartered chapter. We love walking this path with new leaders, sharing what we’ve learned from helping dozens of chapters establish themselves in their local communities.

Building a new chapter may take several months, or even several years, as it takes time to:

  • recruit members 
  • secure a rehearsal site and plan rehearsals
  • learn our bedside practice
  • select and prepare a collection of songs 
  • develop an organizational structure 
  • explore end-of-life issues 
  • cultivate relationships for client referrals

All along the way, friendships, teamwork, skills, and commitment grow, in harmony. This is what we bring to the bedside. This journey is one way to spread compassion in a hurting world. It’s also a lot of fun!

New Chapter Application

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