Napa Valley Threshold Choir

Napa Valley Threshold Choir

We gather together as women to share our gift of song.
We honor ourselves and each other and know that here we belong.
Our spirits are joined together, our voices lift and rise.
Rejoicing in healing music, and precious bonds that tie.

~Echo Evensen, Napa Valley TC member

Who We Are

Singing together since 2007, we are women with compassionate voices who sing a cappella for people facing serious illness, death, physical and emotional pain. In groups of two to five, we offer gentle songs to soothe, comfort, and bring peace. We make our offering at bedsides in private homes, care facilities, and hospitals through the Napa Valley.

Join Us

We gather for practice on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Thursdays of the month from 4:30-6 p.m. with a variety of themed choir potlucks on the 5th Thursdays. Members are encouraged to attend at least two rehearsals per month. If you can carry a tune, communicate kindness with your voice, sing softly, and have a big heart, please contact our choir director, Sudie, at (707) 326-6436.

Request Bedside Singing

If you or someone dear to you is interested in receiving our songs, contact Sudie at (707) 326-6436. Our service is our gift; there is no charge. Donations are gratefully accepted.

NVTC in the News

NV Register Dec 2015NV Register Oct 2011What Light Do You Shine in the World?

Contact Us

For further information about requesting bedside singing, joining our group, or to answer any other questions, please call or text Sudie at (707) 326-6436.