Carrie Andrews

Carrie is a 30-year resident of Port Townsend, Washington, a small Victorian seaport town on the Olympic Peninsula. She lives with her husband, a dog, and a cat and enjoys music, camping, hiking, kayaking, gardening, and almost anything outdoors. Carrie has used her communications degree to do everything from work for the Washington State Department of Ecology producing public information materials to being the Communications Director at the Northwest Maritime Center. In between, she owned a web development company for fifteen years, was the Assistant Head of School at a small alternative private school and co-directed the largest wooden boat festival in North America. For the past ten years she has turned her attention to end-of-life matters, becoming a Board Certified Patient Advocate and an Advance Care Planner through her business, Peace of Mind. She is passionate about bringing comfort to those at the end of their lives. Carrie has sung in choirs almost continuously since sixth grade— Threshold Choir is a perfect blending of her passions. She sings with the Port Townsend Threshold Choir.