Charlottesville Threshold Singers

Charlottesville Threshold Singers

Gather us together, spirit of harmony. Arise in us, loving kindness. Blend our voices in beauty and peace, That they may nourish and comfort. -Marilyn Power Scott

Who We Are

The Charlottesville Threshold Singers is a community of women who sing in harmony at the bedside of those who are ill and dying in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the surrounding area. Our songs are simple messages of love, life, and healing. Our gentle singing is offered for comfort and compassion for the dying as well as their caregivers. Our voices are our gift; there is no charge.

Group of woman, standing and seated

photo by Sara Sandridge

Our Services

We sing at bedsides in small groups of 3 to 4 in private homes, hospice and care facilities in Charlottesville. We honor all spiritual paths and have no religious affiliations. Our songs bring quiet messages of love, life, and heart in very tender times.

The Charlottesville Threshold Singers have been gathering since 2007 to provide comfort through song to those at the end of life. We are part of a larger non-profit organization of Threshold Choir chapters in over 200 locations worldwide. To learn more about the Threshold Choir, and more specifically the Charlottesville chapter, please see this article: Charlottesville Threshold Singers soothe with bedside harmonies.


Our rehearsals are on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00p.m. at The Church of Our Savior at 1165 Rio Road in Charlottesville. We sing for patients of Hospice of the Piedmont and Legacy Hospice, as well as individuals in the community who request our presence.

Singing With Us

We welcome new members to our choir without auditions. We sing unaccompanied, primarily in three-part harmony. We try to bring the sweetest, most blended and graceful sound to those to whom we sing. To achieve that sound, you should be able to carry a tune, communicate kindness with your voice, sing softly and listen to the other parts, and blend your voice with others (or sincerely want to learn). You will find more information in our FAQ.

Contact Us

To learn more about us or to request a song for a loved one, please choose one of the following ways to contact us: