Threshold Singers of the Chippewa Valley

Threshold Singers of the Chippewa Valley

16 seated and standing smiling white women

Threshold Singers of the Chippewa Valley are women who sing healing and palliative songs for people who are seriously ill, dying, or grieving. We are volunteers who gather in groups of 3-5 to sing at bedsides. Singing is a cappella; songs can often be tailored to fit the needs of the individual. This service is provided in the Eau Claire, Mondovi, Chippewa Falls, and Menomonie areas in Wisconsin. Referrals can be made directly by families or through a care provider. We welcome new singers! Interested singers or those who wish to request singing can contact us via email.

What to expect when you request singing? When the Threshold Singers receive a request to sing to a client, one choir member will make the initial contact with the individual or family to gather more information about what is needed (our “intake” process). Word is then put out to other choir members for a lead person, who then follows up with the family and bedside singers. This lead singer makes time and date arrangements, chooses repertoire, and gathers several others to go sing at the client’s home, hospital room, or nursing home. The small group will sing rounds, chants, lullabies, hymns, spirituals, or other a cappella choral music to the individual and attending family members. This singing is given as a gift; there is no charge.

Rehearsals: The entire group meets once or twice a month to rehearse (depending on the time of year). Rehearsals last 2 hours and include time for reflecting on experiences and addressing practical issues. Interested singers can contact us via email.

Anyone is welcome to come listen at rehearsals at any time.

For more information about the Chippewa Valley Threshold Singers, please visit our Facebook page.

Please feel free to email us with questions or to request singing in the Chippewa Valley area.