Hawkeye Threshold Singers

Hawkeye Threshold Singers

photo of 12 smiling white women

Who We Are 

Hawkeye Threshold Singers desire to provide comfort, hope, and peace to others through song. We offer calming a cappella melodies to those experiencing fear, grief, pain, illness or need a lift spiritually. Since we have formed virtually through the pandemic, we know firsthand the comfort the music has provided to us. We plan to serve persons needing comfort in their lives at a local retirement community and reach out to the University Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa, as well as persons in neighboring counties.

Sing With Us

We welcome singers to this circle of community and find peace and calm as we sing with each other. Our songs are simple songs, rounds, and chants. You do not need to read music to participate but have the ability to carry a tune. We meet on Monday evenings. 

Contact Us

If you would like to visit us or want to provide comfort for someone, please email us at hawkeye@thresholdchoir.org.

Photo of path through the woods, overlaid by "Threshold Choir" and "Hawkeye Threshold Singers singing messages of comfort, peace, kindness and love to people at the threshold of life"