Lake County IL Threshold Singers

Lake County IL Threshold Singers

purple lilies and leaf pads floating on water

Offering Comfort at Thresholds of Life

Upon request, we sing at bedside in groups of two to four to offer comfort and peace, serving through the gift of our voices to share a “song bath” at any significant threshold in life.

Life threshold examples include:

  • End-of-life situations, including hospice
  • Life challenges including chronic conditions, easing senior loneliness
  • Birth, perhaps to ease postpartum depression

Schedule a Song Bath for a
Loved One in Lake County, ILRed and white striped camellia

We welcome opportunities to serve through our song. Hospice coordinators, senior community activity directors, or individuals, please contact us directly at

Note: Organizations wishing to learn how this complementary service works to support their community may request a short demonstration.

Bedside Singing

When physical bedside singing is not possible, we can offer a virtual setting for our songs.

  • We sing for those surrounded by loving family and for those alone at the end of life.
  • We respect and follow all HIPAA guidelines.

What songs do you sing? What is a “song bath”?

  • Our lullaby-like songs are unique to Threshold Choir and help create harmonic resonance designed to share tender compassion.
  • Our songs are simple messages of love, life, and heart.looking up at mosaic ceiling in dome
  • A “song bath” is much like a “sound bath”, a relaxation technique whereby participants “bathe” in resonant, calming, sound waves produced by the human voice.
  • We honor all spiritual paths and have no religious affiliation.
  • Families and caregivers are welcome to join us in song or to participate by listening.
  • Song bath duration depends upon need of the individual. It may be as short as 10 minutes or up to 30 minutes.
  • Our voices are our gift; there is no charge.

Community We Servephoto of yellow mums

Lake County, Illinois, situated along the shores of Lake Michigan in the northeastern corner of Illinois, is the third most populous county in the state. We meet central to the county, in Libertyville, for practices.

Sing With Us

13 smiling white women standing in front of a doorway

We welcome new members to sing the melody, high or low harmony. You do not need to know how to read musical notes, but you must be able to carry a tune and sing your part a cappella in a 3-part harmony trio.

  • There are no auditions as this is not a performance choir.
  • We ask that you bring a desire to serve and learn the songs we sing by attending practices.
  • We practice at Libertyville Covenant Church on the first and third Thursday of each month, in the early evening, for 90 minutes.
  • Each new member determines their own level of singing readiness to begin serving the community.
  • If you are interested in singing with us or visiting a practice, please contact us directly at

What People Are Saying About Us

“Words can’t express how meaningful the singing at my mom’s bedside was for our family on Wednesday evening. My mom finished her journey of this lifetime the following night with all of us gathered around her bed. I keep singing the name song to myself: Lauren you are beautiful, Lauren you are strong… and then I don’t remember the rest! 🙂
Thank you for doing this service.” – J.