Threshold Singers of Madison

Logo in mostly pinks with beams and musical notes coming from a heart shape. Text: Threshold Singers of Madison. Healing and comforting songs for people who are seriously ill, dying or grieving

The Threshold Singers of Madison (TSM) sing healing and comforting songs for people who are seriously ill, dying or grieving.  We sing a cappella, in unison, harmony, and rounds.  When singing bedside, we visit in small groups of up to four singers. TSM has served Dane County, Wisconsin, since 2009. We currently serve UnityPoint Meriter Hospital, First Unitarian Society of Madison, Oakwood Hospice and Solace Friends Inc. We seek to reflect the people for whom we sing. Therefore, we welcome all genders, races, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, physical abilities or any other type of diversity that will enrich our circle.

The Threshold Singers of Madison were featured on Channel 3000 in 2015. Watch the video to see us in action and hear directly from our members. In 2023, a multimedia article about us was published in Curb, a publication of the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Singing with Us

We rehearse on the first, third, and fifth Wednesday evenings of the month in Madison, WI. We have a new members’ class each fall and accept transfer memberships from other choirs throughout the year. We ask that singers be able to carry a tune, hold their own part while others sing harmony, and sing softly, blending their voice with others.

Contact Us

If you would like to request singers or to sing with us, please contact us by email or call (608) 571-7944.