Become a Singer

Become a Singer

The Threshold Choir has grown since its founding in 2000 into a movement, a tremendous bouquet of beautiful singers in many communities who dedicate their voices and their hearts to bring kindness and comfort at the important thresholds of life.

We have never required auditions of new singers, and yet our work requires a certain level and style of vocal skill. Skills required for joining may vary from chapter to chapter, but these are our general guidelines for someone who wants to join with the intent of singing at bedsides. We ask that you:

  1. be able to carry a tune, 
  2. be able to hold your own part (or sincerely want to learn to) while others sing harmony, 
  3. be able to sing softly and blend your voice with others (or sincerely want to learn), 
  4. be able to communicate kindness with your voice, and 
  5. be willing to use self-monitoring and accept peer feedback as we work together to bring the sweetest, most blended, and graceful sound to our precious clients.

Please feel free to contact us even if these singing guidelines seem a little beyond your current abilities or you’re not really sure. Some chapters offer other opportunities to members who do not intend to sing at bedsides, such as singing in a larger group at hospitals or memorial services; some even have non-singing members who find other ways to participate in our work. 

Many prospective singers have other questions as well: How will I prepare myself for singing in the bedside environment? How much time must I devote to this group? How much does it cost to belong? What if I can only sing on weekends? And so on.

You can find the chapter nearest you on our map and contact the chapter you are interested in, or you can complete the form below.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Membership Benefits

As a Threshold Choir member you have access to a vast breadth of resources, including a 500+ song repertoire, extensive virtual training and webinars, an engaging international online community, bedside singing and more. All serving the mission to sing for those at life’s thresholds.

Enter your city, state/province/region, and country to see a list of chapters near you.
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