Sing the Song of Your Soul – Writing Your Own Personal Chant with Karen Drucker

Thursday, September 22, 2022
3 PM Pacific/ 6 PM Eastern
Everyone has a song that is uniquely theirs. You, too, have your own “soul song” that is waiting to be birthed. In this workshop we will look at what is present in our lives and write an affirmational chant around what we would like to create. It will be a unique statement to ourselves that can be put to music and used as a daily affirmation. In writing and singing our own personal affirmation chants for personal growth, and inspiration we will be healed and inspired in the process!
The goal of this workshop is to walk away with a few chants that you can use when you are needing to come back to center and feel great! No musical experience is necessary. Just bring an open heart and willingness to feel good!
Who is Karen Drucker?
I am a singer, songwriter, retreat leader, author, comedienne, and a seeker. I love transformation in myself as well as seeing it happen for others.
When I write a song or facilitate a women’s retreat, I learn and grow with each song and each retreat. I want to make a difference in this world by helping people open their hearts and find the beauty and strength that is already in them. My main motto is: “You are seen, you are heard.” To see a video of my work, click here.