Worland Threshold Singers

Worland Threshold Singers

photo of 5 smiling women

Worland Threshold Singers began meeting in July of 2018 and have become a group of women dedicated to blending their voices into an offering of “kindness made audible”.

With a diverse repertoire, often in three parts, Worland Threshold Singers bring compassion to the bedsides of the ill or dying in Worland, Wyoming, by singing soft, simple, and restful songs. When requested in advance, we can also bring familiar hymns and traditional songs that warm listeners’ hearts. We sing for those homebound to encourage and bring joy. Threshold Singers wish to honor any threshold of life, whether it be a happy occasion to celebrate, an incident to overcome, support in a sad time, or simply a need for human presence and song. We have sung at bedsides in hospital and care center rooms. We will also sing in the comfort and privacy of your home.

Our main purpose is to bring the blessing of song to those who may benefit, coming as 3 or 4 singers, presenting a cappella songs for approximately 20 minutes. Whenever possible, we are happy to honor song requests made in advance. There is no charge for our singing.

How can I arrange for Worland Threshold Singers to sing for a loved one?

Call Marsha at 307-431-0370 or email [email protected]. We will respond to your request and arrange a time to sing to you.

Who can become a Worland Threshold Singer?

You are welcome to explore becoming a Worland Threshold Singer if you have a heart for serving as described above, are able or willing to learn to sing in tune and hold your own part, and can attend Tuesday evening rehearsals on a fairly regular basis. Call Sherryl at (307) 388-2004 or email [email protected] for more information.