Who We Are
Cache Valley Threshold Singers is a local chapter of Threshold Choir International in Logan, Utah. We are a group of women who gather to sing spiritual and comforting songs at the bedside of those who are seriously ill, at a crisis or a life threshold. Our chapter was established in 2019. There are nearly 200 chapters around the world.
We are all volunteers who gladly sing for those who call on us, considering it an honor to sing at bedside. Our gentle music specifically communicates love, gratitude, compassion, grace, comfort, and peace at difficult times. We look forward to serving the surrounding communities in Cache Valley with these comforting songs.
What We Do
When invited to bedside, our members sing gentle, spiritual music to offer ease and comfort to those who are suffering or near the end of life. We sing in care facilities, hospitals, and private homes. Our members visit in groups of 3 to 5, singing a cappella, for about 20 minutes. We come when invited by individuals or family members, by hospice or healthcare representatives (with permission of the patient or family). Family members and caregivers are invited to participate by listening or singing with us.
Threshold Choirs honor all spiritual paths but have no religious affiliation. We sing from our hearts. These soft, soothing songs, with simple melodies and rich harmonies, convey a calm presence and ease at tender times. We offer a stillness and silence between our songs, so they may settle in the soul. Our service of song is a gift; there is no cost.
Our Rehearsals
Cache Valley Threshold Singers holds 3 rehearsals monthly, on Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Logan Regional Hospital, Women’s Center. We are grateful to Intermountain Health Care in Logan, Utah for offering this facility to us for rehearsals. During COVID restrictions, we met on Zoom, but now we gather for in-person rehearsals.
Most of us are not professional musicians, but singing for Threshold Choir does require a certain level and style of voice. Guidelines for singing with us include the ability to carry a tune, blend your voice, hold your part in harmony, sing softly, and communicate kindness. Some singers learn by reading music, and some learn by ear; all learning styles are welcome.
Music composed for Threshold Choir repertoire specifically communicates serenity and presence. Since we are not a performance choir, we practice singing quietly together, carefully listening to one another, and always keeping in mind our intention, to touch a place in the heart that needs soothing.
How to Contact Us
If you are interested in requesting a bedside “sing” or visiting a rehearsal, please email:
Or call: (435) 753-5030, leave a message.
As Covid restrictions are lifted, our singers look forward to providing the service of comfort through song. All of the singers are fully vaccinated and understand the importance of HIPPA regulations and confidentiality. While we love to sing at bedside, we also offer “Song Baths” to groups of people. We hope that you will contact us to arrange this opportunity for spiritual music to touch the soul.
During COVID restrictions our singers recorded many of our beautiful songs. These recordings can be downloaded, then played for those who are not allowed to have visitors. Please inform hospital and hospice healthcare workers, music therapists, chaplains, social workers, counselors, families and friends that they can play these songs from their phones, tablets, or computers so that comforting songs can be available to those who are suffering a crisis or are at life’s threshold. Please email us for the link and the password: CacheValleyThresholdSingers@gmail.com
Our chapter website: thresholdchoir.org/CacheValley
Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CVThresholdSingers
Threshold Choir website: thresholdchoir.org