Creating a Chapter Web Page
Looking for singers or more opportunities to sing for clients? Want all your information in one place for people who ask about what you do? If your chapter has been officially launched, consider letting us help you build a public web page for you on this site.
- We can link to it from the map and the chapter lists, so anyone who visits the site can learn more about you.
- You won’t have to tell the whole Threshold Choir story, because you’ll be “attached” to the main TC website.
- If your web page mentions your local hospitals and hospice organizations, people will find you when they do web searches looking for services in your community.
- We can provide a way for visitors to contact you without putting your personal email address out there to attract spam.
Here are some sample “Welcome” pages, so you can get an idea of what’s possible and how easy it is:
Threshold Choir of New York City
We would be happy to help. You provide the information and photos. We can help you get permission to use the photos and drop the information and photos into a webpage for you. Just contact us by email. We’re here to help.