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Delighted!This learning track–and I have waited a long time for it–is truly everything I would want a learning track to…
Thanks for the StoryCan you see my smile? That bird had good timing. Ha!
Anne, when we contacted TerryAnne, when we contacted Terry about a recording of Sleepy, she promptly sent it, and included…
WowWhat an exotic flavor to this stunning piece. It's simply gorgeous. Love the rooster crow at the end. Thank you!
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- 2015 Pacific Northwest Regional Gathering #8
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- Agate Pass Threshold Choir
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- Bakersfield Threshold Singers
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- Bedside Singers Amsterdam
- Bedside Singing Policy / Membership Agreement Discussion Request
- Berkshire Threshold Choir
- Blue Ridge Threshold Choir
- Board Minutes
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- Bowen Threshold Singers
- Bridget Baker
- Butte Montana Threshold Singers
- Cache Valley Threshold Singers
- Caitie Deranek Stewart
- Carrie Andrews
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- Deborah McCabe
- Dedication and Lyrics for Tenderly Rain
- Diablo Valley Threshold Singers
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- Glenda Guinn-Gilles
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- Healing Threshold Singers
- Heart of London Threshold Singers
- Heart of the Valley Threshold Singers
- HeartSongs Threshold Choir of Stanwood/Camano
- Hebden Bridge Threshold Singers
- History of The Threshold Choir Repertoire
- Hospice of Northwest Ohio Threshold Choir
- How We Started
- In Loving Memory
- In The Media
- Jan Booth
- Jean Westcott
- Jill Bigwood
- Johanna Kreilein
- Judy Macks
- Kate Munger
- Kishwaukee Threshold Singers
- Lake County IL Threshold Singers
- Liner Notes for Walking Each Other Home
- List of Forms
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- SAVE—2014 Appalachian Regional Gathering
- SAVE—Guess Who?
- SAVE? Music (Kate)
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- Shirley Wieshaar
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- Threshold Choir’s Commitment to Cultural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
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2-part songs Bedside-Lullabies Bedside-songs for comfort/healing Bedside-songs for end-of-life/near death Bedside-songs of hope Community sings Hebrew Memorials Opening/Intention Setting/Gathering Self-care Songs in languages other than English Spanish
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Threshold Choir
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Singing for those at the Threshold of life.
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Block: Paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non pretium quam. Ut sollicitudin, urna eu sagittis luctus, enim tortor bibendum purus, id…
This is so beautiful–bothThis is so beautiful–both the music and the lyrics. I’m having trouble understanding how it works when…